Roger Woods - newest member of TLC

We are a small fellowship at Bozeat TLC with very dedicated members.

Our dear friend and member of TLC, Sue Woods, is married to Roger who had some serious health issues last year. Sue was taking him Northampton General Hospital about every 10 days for urgent treatment, which was wearing them both down, apart from the worry of his health deteriorating. It came to a point that if the next procedure didn't 'work', it would be serious consequences.  Roger didn't know which way to turn and so in desperation one day he asked Sue to ask us all to pray for him.

We have a great team of pray-ers in the village, and so, of course, we all prayed.

We were so thrilled when God answered our prayers. Roger is doing SO well.

He then started to attend worship every week with Sue, who was, of course 'over the moon'.


A few weeks ago at our business meeting he asked if he could attend, and during the meeting he thanked us all for our prayer support and said what a difference this has made to his life.
He then said he would like to be received into membership of our church.

We all cheered and clapped!!

So, on Sunday 26th May Roger gave his testimony and Peter Norton 'offered him the right hand of fellowship'.
We all hugged him and assured him and Sue of our continued prayers.

He is a valued member of our fellowship, what a blessing he is!

Newsletter June 2024

Also published in the Bozeat Matters village magazine

Newsletter March 2024

Also published in the Bozeat Matters village magazine

Newsletter December 2023

Also published in the Bozeat Matters village magazine

Newsletter September 2023

Also published in the Bozeat Matters magazine

Newsletter June 2023

Also published in the Bozeat Matters magazine

Newsletter March 2023

First published in the Bozeat Matters magazine

Newsletter December 2022

Also published in Bozeat Matters

Newsletter June 2022

Also published in Bozeat Matters

Newsletter March 2022

First published in Bozeat Matters

Marilyn Baker and Tracy Williamson at TLC

A visit from two remarkable people to TLC in October 2021

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